On 8/11/07, Noah Slater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That not an optimal option, as it's illogical to store those files in the 
> > svn.
> Well don't store them in svn - use a bootstrap script to make them
> before running the autotools.
> Here is the bit from my ./bootstrap that does the magic:
> get_svk_svn_directory () {
>     # Return the SVN repository directory for a SVK checkout directory.
>     depot_directory=$1
>     svk depotmap --list | grep "^/" | while read depot_map; do
>         depot_name=$(echo $depot_map | awk "{print \$1}")
>         repository_directory=$(echo $depot_map | awk "{print \$2}")
>         if echo $depot_directory | grep "^"$depot_name > /dev/null; then
>             echo $depot_directory | \
>                 sed "s|"$depot_name"|file://"$repository_directory"/|"
>         fi
>     done
> }
> get_svn_directory () {
>     # Return the SVN directory for a directory.
>     dirname=$1
>     svn_directory=""
>     if test -n "$SVN_EXECTUABLE" \
>         -a -n "$($SVN_EXECTUABLE info $dirname 2> /dev/null)"; then
>         svn_directory="."
>     else
>         if test -n "$SVK_EXECTUABLE" \
>             -a -n "$($SVK_EXECTUABLE info $dirname 2> /dev/null)"; then
>             depot_directory=$(svk info $dirname | \
>                 grep "Depot Path" | awk "{print \$3}")
>             svn_directory=$(get_svk_svn_directory $depot_directory)
>         fi
>     fi > /dev/null
>     echo $svn_directory
> }
> generate_svn_changelog () {
>     # Generate the ChangLog file using the Subversion repository.
>     dirname=$1
>     echo "Generating \`"$CHANGELOG_FILE"'"
>     if test -z "$SVN_EXECTUABLE" -a -z "$SVK_EXECTUABLE"; then
>         echo "Warning: Unable to find the svn or svk commands."
>     fi
>     svn_directory=$(get_svn_directory $dirname)
>     if test -z "$svn_directory"; then
>         echo "Warning: Unable to determine repository information."
>     else
>         if test -z "$SVN2CL_EXECTUABLE"; then
>             echo "Warning: Unable to find the svn2cl command."
>         fi
>     fi
>     if test -n "$svn_directory" -a -n "$SVN2CL_EXECTUABLE"; then
>         echo $SVN2CL_EXECTUABLE --authors=$AUTHORS_FILE $svn_directory
>     else
>         echo "Warning: Unable to generate the \`"$CHANGELOG_FILE"' file."
>         touch $CHANGELOG_FILE
>     fi
> }
> --
> "Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so
> far as society is free to use the results." - R. Stallman

I think you misunderstanding me, it's the generation if the changelog
that will take too long time.

As ChangeLog and NEWS often are zero-byte files, a strictness mode
should be available for those types of projects.
/Carl Fürstenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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