On 8/10/07, NightStrike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/10/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  -------------- Original message ----------------------
> > From: NightStrike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Since this list is obviously not dead, here's my first of several 
> > > questions:
> > >
> > > (this is all with automake 1.10)
> > >
> > > How do I individually override everything that takes place for a given
> > > target?  For example, if I have this:
> > >
> > > lib_LIBRARIES = libmylib.a
> > > libmylib_a_SOURCES = source1.c source2.c
> > >
> > > The resulting Makefile will perform:
> > >
> > > $(CC) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) -o source1.o source1.c
> > > $(CC) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) -o source2.o source2.c
> > > $(AR) (AR_FLAGS) libmylib.a source1.o source2.o
> > > $(RANLIB) libmylib.a
> > >
> > > I have the ability to override the AR command by setting libmylib_a_AR
> > > to any arbitrary set of commands, allowing me to have incredible
> > > control over step 3 above.  However, I have not found out how to do
> > > the same for steps 1, 2, and 4 (or at the very least prevent RANLIB
> > > from running).  For instance, I could, if I chose, do this:
> > >
> > > lib_LIBRARIES = libmylib.a
> > > libmylib_a_SOURCES = source1.c source2.c
> > > libmylib_a_AR = echo \!* > /dev/null
> > >
> > > and it would serve as a very kludgey (albeit effective) way to disable
> > > the AR command for that target only (this is just an example..
> > > obviously there are other, better ways to do it).  How do I achieve
> > > the same overriding capabilities for everything?
> > How about
> >
> > ./configure AR=:  [other arguments etc.]
> >
> > You also might be able to force this override in configure.ac, but that 
> > would
> > defeat all the nifty things that the autotools are good for.
> > Perhaps what you really want is "--disable-static" on the configure command 
> > line.
> > You can also make this the default to disable static libs with:
> >
> >           # Turn off static libraries, since they aren't useful in python 
> > modules and
> >           # make the build process take too long.
> >           AC_DISABLE_STATIC
> >           AC_PROG_LIBTOOL
> >
> > One of these should have the desired effect, depending on what you desire. 
> > ;)
> I can't pass it in to configure, since this project includes many many
> files, most of which are built normally.  There's just a few oddballs
> that I need to override.  This is again my fault for not being more
> explicit and oversimplifying my goals.
> For most of the project, automake handles things well.  I use
> xx_LIBRARIES, _SOURCES, etc and AR and RANLIB do what they need to do
> very well.
> For a few libraries, however, things get screwy.  Here's one example
> of what I did to try to overcome that which I didn't understand:
> lib_LIBRARIES += libmoldname.a
> libmoldname_a_SOURCES = isascii.c iscsym.c iscsymf.c toascii.c
> strcasecmp.c strncasecmp.c wcscmpi.c
> libmoldname_a_AR = \
>   $(DLLTOOL) --as $(AS) -k -U --dllname msvcrt.dll --def
> $(top_srcdir)/moldname-msvcrt.def --output-lib $@ ; \
>   $(AR) $(ARFLAGS)
> Now, you can see that I am essentially trying to use DLLTOOL to work
> in a .def file before calling $(AR), and then $(RANLIB) follows
> naturally.  This works, but there is probably a more "correct" way of
> doing it.  Any ideas?

(Reposting due to wrapping errors)

lib_LIBRARIES += libmoldname.a

libmoldname_a_SOURCES = \
     isascii.c iscsym.c iscsymf.c toascii.c \
     strcasecmp.c strncasecmp.c wcscmpi.c \

libmoldname_a_AR = \
     $(DLLTOOL) --as $(AS) -k -U --dllname msvcrt.dll \
     --def $(top_srcdir)/moldname-msvcrt.def \
     --output-lib $@ ; \
     $(AR) $(ARFLAGS)

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