In automake.am, i have:

  System_LTLIBRARIES = system.la
  system_la_SOURCES = modules/System/system.c
  system_la_LDFLAGS = -module

This compiles ok. However, it puts system.la in the top level src directory.

I want it to be like:

  System_LTLIBRARIES = modules/System/system.la
  modules_System_system_la_SOURCES = modules/System/system.c
  modules_System_system_la_LDFLAGS = -module

That makes "modules/System/system.la" ok, but it still puts
system.o and system.lo in the top level src directory.

That means the program won't work in the uninstalled state,
because dlopen is looking for system.o as modules/System/system.o.

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