Hello Automake-User,
I am trying to figure out (as part of my PhD thesis) how tools like
Automake make their way into Free/Open Source projects and how they get
introduced and adopted.
I would love to hear about your experiences with putting Automake to use
in a project, both from the technical side as well as from social side of
things and have put together a small survey (11 questions, which should
take max.
15 minutes) that ask you for your experiences in putting such ideas into
reality. (The question is more generic and also applies when you convinced
your project to switch to Subversion, choose a plug-in architecture, or
failed to switch to a different license).
The automake list is one of the first lists I am contacting with this,
so it might be that the survey contains some questions that are difficult
to understand or misleading. If you find something that needs correcting,
please let me know, ASAP.
Thank you very much, your participation is much appreciated!
Christopher Oezbek
P.S.: Results will be made available at the end of August on