Bob Proulx wrote:
Are we talking about one of your own projects?  Or are we talking
about other projects that you are trying to build?
Projects that I'm trying to build. Hundreds of them. Projects that won't be fixed in their current incarnations even if we correct automake now. It'll take years, maybe decades for this change to propagate into all of the packages that suffer from this problem today. I know that. And I'm willing to help with that effort if it's deemed appropriate to return to the GNU coding standards, (which were formulated with these use cases in mind).

I will be solving this problem somehow. The real question is whether we can cooperate in such a way that we solve it once now and everyone can benefit, or whether I'm going to solve it today for this company, tomorrow for some other company, and next week for yet another company.
K. Richard Pixley wrote:
Bob Proulx wrote:
Someone who is simply building from the generated Makefiles never
needs to have automake installed.  Only a developer who is
modifying the automake source files would need automake installed.
But that's my point. With the defaults as they are now there are many "normal" cases where automake is required.

But the cases that you have described so far are not normal cases.
They all entail doing something that can be reasonably avoided.
That's really not a helpful or useful attitude. I can also reasonably avoid any of these problems by avoiding any program that uses automake. Avoiding the problem isn't really solving it.

Of course these aren't the common, current automake use cases. Automake can't solve these cases now and thus these cases can't be covered. What I'm talking about is extending automake to cover the cases that used to be possible prior to automake.
Obviously from the questions you are asking you are experiencing a
specific problem.  Could you share some details?
I have already done so. The actual use case is somewhat more involved than is necessary to explain the problem.
Reading your mail carefully I note you say that 'cp' does not retain
file timestamps.  Instead of using 'cp -r' use 'cp -a' to preserve the
timestamps.  An easy problem to avoid.  Or "correct" them later by
updating all of the timestamps.  Either works.
Fine, then. rsync. Or cvs, or subversion, or perforce. There are many situations where source can be transmitted which do not preserve file modification times. And I really don't think that the rest of the world should be modified solely to support this deficit of automake. Especially not when the solution is so simple - just follow the gnu coding standards.
If someone is trying to build from source control then they have
assumed the role of a developer.
No, I'm sorry, but that's not necessarily true. A developer of foo is not necessarily a developer of bar. They may be capable of becoming one, but that's not how most organizations prefer to allocate their talent.
Developers are expected to have the
required development tools available.  Almost certainly in the case of
checking out pristine source from version control many developer tools
will be needed for most projects.  This goes beyond automake and
includes gettext, flex, bison, gperf, texinfo, etc.
Actually, it's not. At this point in time, to build a variety of free software, (say, debian), requires multiple versions of multiple autofoo tools.

Consider the use case where a third party is both collecting released code as well as monitoring it locally. There may or may not be local changes to that code prior to further releases. And it may or may not be possible to regenerate the generated files what with ancient code, version incompatibilities between the autofoo packages, etc. In this case it is necessary to track both the original source as well as the generated files. And to return the generated files back to the GNU coding standards in order to keep them building.

A much more efficient approach involves using the generated files as they were released. But unfortunately, this isn't really feasible with the Makefile -> -> rules as they come now.


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