Hello Antoon,

* antoon wrote on Tue, Apr 03, 2007 at 09:44:19AM CEST:
> lib_LIBRARIES = libarea.a
> # Language: C language
> libarea_a_SOURCES = checkdep.c \
>                 drawdept.c \
>                                   drawgleg.c 

> By default this library is placed in the same directory as the C-files.

Almost.  By default the library is placed in the same directory as the
object files.  The source tree and (any number of) build trees can be
separate, see this part of the introductory chapter of the manual:

> But ...  how to copy this library afterwards to a general *lib* directory,
> because  during the overall linkage step of my code, I want all my libraries
> in one single directory.  You can do something like this, by make install
> but that's not what I mean.

I'm not sure why you want this; could you explain?.  Maybe VPATH builds
as above can help you achieve your goal slightly differently.


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