I have an application where most of what I need installed goes to /usr/local/*, except I really want to put stuff in /etc. By default sysconfdir gets set to /usr/local/etc but if I do a ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc I get what I want. However as I advance in age, I forget more than I used to so remembering to add that parameter especially after a couple of months being away from this application, I'm trying to put something in configure.ac. I've found the sysconfdir variable documented and thought something like this might work:
sysconfdir = /etc AC_INIT(dummy.cc) AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(panelprobe,0.0.4) But no, it didn't. Can someone tell me the proper way to default sysconfdir to /etc? I've googled a bunch but haven't found exactly what I'm looking for yet. I'm probably missing the correct search terms. Thanks, Jim