Ralf Wildenhues wrote: > * Christopher Sean Morrison wrote on Mon, Jan 15, 2007 at 07:55:27PM CET: >> Counterproductive presumptuous flamings aside, there are compelling >> arguments on both sides of the issue for having or quelling verbose >> compilation output. > > Yes, the flaming all helps nothing and contributes nothing. If you want > to get support into Automake, you have to convince its maintainer, see > <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/automake-patches/2006-08/msg00024.html> > and the message that started the thread for a patch homepage. >
I don't understand why this is such a controversial issue. Just have automake prefix all commands in rules that are not already prefixed with @ or - with $(PREFIX) (or some other variable.) Have default for PREFIX be empty so the current behavior is unchanged. If someone wants to change the output, they can redefine it with something like PREFIX="@echo 'building $@ ...'; ". Minimal makefile 'bloat', no change to the default behavior, and the flexibility for the output to be whatever is desired. - jason