Hello Jeff,

* Jeff Safier wrote on Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 04:17:29AM CET:
> I would like to add an executabvle command to my make file.  Is this
> done thru the configure.in or the Makefile.am.
> An example would be a post build cmmand like a copy or a message
> compiler.

I'm afraid I don't understand your question fully.
You would like to build an executable?  If yes, then something like
  bin_PROGRAMS = foo

in Makefile.am helps (don't forget to specify foo_SOURCES).

If you need to execute 'foo' after building it, you can do so in an
'all-local' makefile rule you supply (it's a good idea to have the rule
depend on 'foo$(EXEEXT)' in that case).

If you want to execute some command after building, installing, or
similar, the '*-local' or '*-hook' rules may be what you're after:

Otherwise please describe in more detail ("when I do this it should do
that") what you need.


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