
I am facing an issue with the AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE macro -- I don't know
if it is more an autoconf or an automake problem.

On debian, several version of the same package may be installed,
and the default, prefered one is selected by providing a
symbolic link pointing to it.

Let's imagine I have automake-1.7 and automake-1.9 on my system,
and the `automake' symbolicaly links to automake-1.7.
The `configure.ac' of my project contains the statement:


As `automake' (ie automake-1.7) is searched, autoconf fails.
What is sad is that automake-1.9 _is_ present on my system,
it is simply not the default one. Of course, I could use the
update-alternatives utility of debian to modify it, but for
this I need root access to the system.

So, I was wondering if there was a way to select the automake
path or exe to use, or if patching AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE could be
the solution.

What do you think?

Best reagrds,
Benoit Perrot

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