Hi Ralf,
I'm very sorry for cross sending the question to 2 or more lists. Thank you very much for helping me solve the problem so rapidly. Also thank you for reminding me. I just didnt know which one could work.
   It wont happen again. :)


Ralf Wildenhues wrote:
Hi Erming,

Please, next time don't cross post a question to so many lists.
Just one is enough.

* Erming Pei wrote on Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 03:07:45PM CEST:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] gtkmm]$ automake -a -c
Deep recursion on subroutine "Automake::read_am_file" at /usr/bin/automake line 7254, <GEN101> line 1.

include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.am

It looks as if Makefile.am is including itself over and over again.
Deleting the quoted line should fix that.


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