Hi Sander,

* Sander Niemeijer wrote on Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 06:12:11PM CET:
> I think I have found a bug in automake.

I agree that this is a bug.

> The problem is triggered by configuring the foo-1.0 package using a  
> full path to configure (or to use a build directory that differs from  
> the source directory) and running a 'make dist'.

> distdir: $(DISTFILES)
>         $(am__remove_distdir)
>         mkdir $(distdir)
> --->    $(mkdir_p) $(distdir)/$(top_srcdir)/data

> Since srcdir (and thus also top_srcdir) is derived from the directory  
> component from the call to configure (i.e. the '/Users/sander/ 
> foo-1.0/' part from '/Users/sander/foo-1.0/configure') this will  
> translate into
> ---
>       $(mkdir_p) $(distdir)/Users/sander/foo-1.0/data
> ---
> which is clearly wrong.

Yes.  I am not in a position to propose a fix, but in the example you
gave there is an easy workaround to not use $(top_srcdir) in EXTRA_DIST.
  EXTRA_DIST = data/foo.txt
is sufficient.


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