Since no one else is chatting on the subject, I thought I would go ahead and give my thoughts - perhaps someone can see and correct them where they are flawed, especially since I am new to the whole autotool chainset.
I have a project that will need to be built for different platforms (Windows, Unix, Linux, etc.) - which is what autotools is aimed to accomplish (so far as my understanding). I have autotools working, but automake isn't cooperating with where I want to go. (I am limited to the version numbers below because MSYS won't compile & pass certain important tests for a newer autoconf, so I can't build a newer automake. Any how...) In order to learn the Autotools I have been setting up 'hello world' test projects that demonstrate various parts of the what I will need in my larger project. At present, I need to be able to generate Makefiles specific to the target system - by os and cpu. Thus I have the following layout: . .\os\<os string> .\arch\<arch string> For my test project, I have <os string> = { mingw32, linux } and <arch string> = { i386, i686, ppc }. If all goes well, it should compile using mingw32 on i686. I can get aclocal and autoheaders to run, but then the process dies on automake when it hits the line in my file (for my third attempt at this): AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile os/Makefile os/${target_os}/Makefile arch/Makefile arch/${target_cpu}/Makefile]) (also if I replace AC_CONFIG_FILES with AC_OUTPUT). Automake simply doesn't like having ${target_os} or ${target_cpu} in the path, from what I can tell. Autoconf doesn't seem to mind except that it will complain that it can't find the at those paths. So essentially, I get: automake - complains and fails without generating the files at src/arch/${target_cpu} or src/os/${target_os}. autoconf - complains that src/arch/i686/ doesn't exist or that src/os/mingw32/ doesn't exist. But otherwise seems okay. This should be expected in automake didn't complete. I have's in every directory, along with a nearly identical (in my test project) source file that needs to be compiled and linked in to the main executable. I know I may not have everything quite right in the to actually get it to build, but I would think it should at least be making the's now. Here's my AC_INIT([hello_world],[1.2],[EMAIL PROTECTED],[hello.tar]) AC_PREREQ(2.56) AC_COPYRIGHT([(c)2005 to see how it works]) AC_CONONICAL_SYSTEM AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([hello_world],[1.2]) AM_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) AC_PROC_CC AC_CHECK_HEADERS([stdio.h]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile os/Makefile os/${target_os}/Makefile arch/Makefile arch/${target_cpu}/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT # To overcome a shell script bug in the generated # Makefile where '; fi' is missing. if [ test -f Makefile ]; then if [ "$target_os" = "mingw32" ]; then patch -p1 Makefile Makefile.patch fi fi The only difference I can tell between MSYS/MSYS DTK and newer versions is that the MSYS DTK Automake won't generate any warnings/errors, while Automake 1.9.5 (from Slackware 10.2) will generate the following error: required file `os/${target_os}/` not found required file `os/${target_cpu}/` not found Now that I think about it - even that error message is weird since I'm running 'automake' not 'autoconf' so it should be looking for not Does automake understand the AC_CANONICAL_SYSTEM or the macros that are with it? I get a bunch of complaints about macros out of order if I put AC_CANONICAL_SYSTEM _after_ AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE. Am I doing something wrong in my Is this even possible with Automake? Are the directories suppose to be 'optional'? I had thought of that, but I must have at least one of the directories compile or the build _will_ fail at the linker at the very least. Any how...I am at a complete loss at how to solve this issue. Any help is greatly appreciated. TIA, Ben