Hi folks,

Ralf Wildenhues wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> * Daniel Kraft wrote on Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 05:12:38PM CET:
>>Is this something possible with automake? Or do I need to write special
>>makefile-constructs for that (e.g., a small library of every directory's
>>sources) my own?
> Yeah, you can do that, too, at least with libtool.  But unless there's
> compelling reasons, I wouldn't do it.  Some people prefer during
> development it because it does not rebuild so much (exactly because the
> recursive make does not have all dependency information available).

I don't want to argue about the requirement, but using the
VPATH patch for depend2.am (see the archive of this list)
it would be possible to write

        VPATH = ${srcdir}:${srcdir}/dir1:${srcdir}/dir2
        lib_LIBRARIES = libGeomExakt.a
        libGeomExakt_a_SOURCES = a.cpp b.cpp

Please note that there are pitfalls with VPATH, e.g. for
the search path of the header files, when using

        #include "myheader,h"



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