[please cc: me, I'm not on the list]


I use automake/libtool environment for a project with couple of dozens of libraries. I link those libraries statically into the binaries that are then distributed. It works ok.

What I need now is to create a shared library that would contain a subset of those smaller libraries. Say, I want to pack the contents of libaaa.la, libbbb.la and libccc.la into libbig, and libbig has to be shared (it will be distributed in binary form).

When I use something like this:

lib_LT_LIBRARIES = libbig.la
libbig_la_LIBADD = .../libaaa.la .../libbbb.la .../libccc.la

I end up with the shared library that contains _references_ to _shared_ libraries aaa, bbb and ccc. But I just want their contents to be packed inside.

How can I achieve that?

I've been trying this with automake 1.6.3 and libtool 1.5 on Mac OS X. I need it to work on FreeBSD as well.

May be I'm missing something?



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