* Parag N wrote on Mon, Nov 28, 2005 at 11:38:44AM CET: > I downloaded source rpm.
What source rpm? Which package? From where? Name, URL needed. > install it in /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES. So your system is a RedHat or Fedora? Which version? > then i extract it. I found directory backend which contains many backend > scanner support files. i also want to add my own backend files so i add 2 > files in backend directory and modify Makefile. Which Makefile.in? You changed the Makefile.in, not the Makefile, right? > before modifying Makefile i have to generate it from running > configure. I hope i have explained it simple steps what i did and i failed > to compile those newly added files besides adding them to Makefile and then > running make on it. > if require more explanation ask me. Yes, it needs more explanation. What are the names of the files you added? How _exactly_ did you change the Makefile.in? Show like this: copy the original file to Makefile.in.orig and paste diff -u Makefile.in.orig Makefile.in Also show how it fails. Copy and paste, do not only use prose to explain technical issues. Please read http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html carefully. It is available in several translations, too. I'm sorry but if you don't follow those guidelines I'll be unable to help you. Cheers, Ralf