* n.g. wrote on Mon, Nov 14, 2005 at 11:46:07AM CET:
> it seems that if something appeared in the same place in a Makefile,
> they are not ordered. ex. if they are both dependencies of a target.

Yes, in general.  There are some exceptions to this rule.

> currently, the problem is solved by using BUILT_SOURCES and/or manual
> rules for sources. as you mentioned.

Or manual specification of the interdependencies.

> if automake accept userdefined rule to be act as builtin primaries,
> it will be a wonderful thing.
> or if automake populate the macro it used to canonicalize macro names
> for user use is not bad too.

Please be more specific.  For example, I can write

bin_PROGRAMS = foo
foo_DEPENDENCIES = bla bar
$(foo_DEPENDENCIES): blo

and that will work.  Be sure to read
  info Automake "Multiple Outputs"
of a recent(!) Automake version, though.

If this scheme is not applicable to your problem, you should be more
specific in which primaries you use.


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