
* SummoneR wrote on Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 07:40:30PM CEST:
> I would like to build a client called Boinc on OpenBSD3.7-i386 and it 
> has a dependency on Automake 1.9.3.  I'm newbie at compiling anything,
> especially on BSD, but usually there isn't any problem if anything
> should be builded from source, but not this time. The 'optionally'
> mentioned 'make check' does this:
> =====================================
> 427 of 463 tests failed
> (90 tests were not run)

> And if I continue with make && make install and finally try to build Boinc:
> Bootstrapping configure script and makefiles:
> automake: ####################
> automake: ## Internal Error ##
> automake: ####################
> automake: unrequested trace `include'
> automake: Please contact <bug-automake@gnu.org>.
> at /usr/local/share/automake-1.9/Automake/Channels.pm line 562
>        Automake::Channels::msg('automake', '', 'unrequested trace 
> `include\'') called at 

Hmm, this smells like an old Perl version, but I'm not sure.

> I have gcc-3.3.5 as in OpenBSD3.7, and autoconf-2.59 added from OpenBSD 
> repository.
> What else should i have? As I saw, autoconf is required and is recent 
> enough.

Probably GNU m4, take a recent one.

> I didn't find anything else, maybe I need some OS-related update?
> I found a version 1.4 of Automake in OpenBSD's packages, but Boinc
> could not be compiled with it, it says errors, kind of 'unsupported
> method' or so, because something 'is in directory'.  Ok, i'm sure
> that's because of the old Automake.

I would not be so sure that is because of the old Automake.  Show the
exact failure and the commands and output that led to it.

> So it would be a great help, if anyone could say a word to this, or at 
> least a beginning with 'forget it on BSD' :)

Should work all fine on BSD.

If you obtained a source tarball of your original package (Boinc) (as
opposed to a CVS version or such), you most likely should not need any
of Autoconf/Automake at all -- its created files should be within the


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