I ran the regression tests for automake-1.8.5 (yes, I know there are
newer versions) on OpenBSD 3.7-beta.  only failures were
libtool7.test and spy.test.

I think I understand the problem with libtool7.test, but the
spy.test, I don't fully understand what's going wrong there,
as it seems to work if I run it by hand:

puff:/home/portobj/automake-1.8.5/automake-1.8.5/tests% ./spy.test 
=== Running test ./spy.test
+ pwd
+ set -e
+ cat
+ > Makefile 
+ << \EOF 
+ touch b c
+ sleep 2
+ :
+ > a 
+ make
`a' is up to date.
`a' is up to date.
+ cat a
+ test  = 
+ sleep 2
+ touch b
+ make
echo rule1 >> a
`a' is up to date.
+ cat a
+ test rule1 = rule1
+ :
+ > a 
+ sleep 2
+ touch c
+ make
`a' is up to date.
echo rule2 >> a
+ cat a
+ test rule2 = rule2
puff:/home/portobj/automake-1.8.5/automake-1.8.5/tests% echo $?

why is this reported as FAIL?  I couldn't find any mention of
spy.test issues from searching the archives on sources.redhat.com.


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