Paul Eggert wrote:
"Gary V. Vaughan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

However, even though our intentions are good, and we are merely
clarifying the existing spirit of the exception clauses we have used
all along, is it okay to just edit the license of existing files without
explicit permission from the authors?

It's a tricky enough situation that we should probably take it up with
the FSF itself.  It owns the copyright.

Agreed. Why don't we work up a clause that we all like, and draft a note explaining why we need the exception, and then we can forward it to the FSF for consideration...

Was anybody unhappy with the exception wording in my last post in the
thread?  If not we can start from there.

Gary V. Vaughan      ())_.  [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
Research Scientist   ( '/
GNU Hacker           / )=
Technical Author   `(_~)_

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