Hello! Please CC me, as I'm not subscribed on this list.
I wanna have support for splint / lint during compile. I imagine it in the following way: I add a line to configure.in / configure.ac AM_PROG_LINT(<lint options>) and that's it from the user point of view. The configure script checks for the presence of splint. If not found, it checks for lint. If not found, (sp)lint support is disabled. If one of them is found, there's a (sp)lint target in the resulting Makefiles that runs (sp)lint over each source file before it gets compiled. Example: Say, there are foo.c and bar.c. A make will run (sp)lint over foo.c then cc, then (sp)lint over bar.c then cc. And so forth and so on. -- CU, Christoph Egger E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] +++ GMX DSL Premiumtarife 3 Monate gratis* + WLAN-Router 0,- EUR* +++ Clevere DSL-Nutzer wechseln jetzt zu GMX: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/dsl