On Thu, 27 May 2004, Lars Hecking wrote:
o gnu.org has a prohibitively high volume of email, and SA/Bayes require massive resources. Therefore, the volume of mail going through SA or any other tool must be limited.
Bogofilter does a fine job of Bayesian filtering and is 50-100X faster than SpamAssassin. Surely it does not offer the extra features of SpamAssassin, but using it would help considerably, and should keep up with gnu.org performance requirements.
o Excessive whitelisting: all current gnu.org subscribers should be white- listed, so that their email bypasses anti-spam. Yes, that'll still leave the problem of subscribed spammers, but I believe there won't be too many.
This does not work at all. A huge amount of email I receive are bounces or anti-SPAM notices from forged emails sent using my address.
More than likely I have received many SPAM emails claiming to be from Lars Hecking. :-)
o Ruthless use of DNS blacklists before mails reach anti-spam. Most of spam on GNU lists originates from "known bad boys" - Korea, China, dialup/dyn-ip hosts, Comcast, *bell etc. Recommended reading: http://makeashorterlink.com/?D20312968. sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org alone would probably work wonders.
Usually this is good, but lately I have been noticing that substantial email is arbitrarily rejected due temporary local DNS issues or bugs. It is not pleasant to be on the wrong end of this.
Bob ====================================== Bob Friesenhahn [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen