Hi! What is the recommended way to install split HTML documentation from Texinfo? It would be nice if Automake had the bit of magic to copy directories, instead of simple files, in this precise. In addition, there is a small catch when the user does it by herself: I had the following in my Makefile.am:
install-data-local: cp -r $(HTMLS) $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir) And unfortunately this -local target is triggered before Automake's code, which results in: ~/lectures/maintain % sudo -u doc make install nostromo 14:46 make[1]: entrant dans le répertoire « /home/akim/lectures/maintain » make[1]: Rien à faire pour « install-exec-am ». cp -r maintain.html /mnt/dload/maintain test -z "/mnt/dload/maintain" || mkdir -p -- . "/mnt/dload/maintain" ... in other words, the directory is created after I meant to use it. And thanks to the changing semantics of cp, I obtained the content in ../maintain instead of ../maintain/maintain.html :) Thanks in advance!