On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 04:29, Magnus Therning wrote:
> This is the Makefile.am I am using in a small project.

I have included the Makefile.am file for discussion. Why does automake
use py-compile? I noticed that it installs in to the directory which the
Makefile.am resides but so far on a Google search I find that I can
install python scripts with a .py, .pyc and .pyo file extension. What do
those mean. How does do I modify your script to install a module which
would be imported by a script to run?



bin_SCRIPTS = sage
EXTRA_DIST = sage.in

pythonlibdir = $(pkgdatadir)/lib
sagelibdir = $(pythonlibdir)/sage

sagelib_PYTHON = $(wildcard $(srcdir)/lib/sage/*.py)

edit = sed \
       -e 's,[EMAIL PROTECTED]@,$(bindir),g'\
       -e 's,[EMAIL PROTECTED]@,$(pythonlibdir),g'

sage : Makefile $(srcdir)/sage.in
        rm -f sage sage.tmp
        $(edit) $(srcdir)/sage.in > sage.tmp
        chmod +x sage.tmp
        mv sage.tmp sage


Stephen Torri
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