The best way we suggest to solve email spam maybe is not only base on opti-in or opti-out problem.
In fact,opti-out law will cause the increase of spam in internet. We must force the e-business base on "what's you need and good communicate with each other?" to avoid the spam!! Once the people write down the email address in web site for e-service or business or discuess forum. It "does" mean want to receive information from that discuess "sitution". So,the best way to solve spam maybe is when you first send email to somebody you don't contract before,You must note where you found his email address(from newspaper??,web site?? url??),and take it to law. Because email is the windows to receive information from the internet. If we solve spam problem base on "understand" each other "need". not only opti-in opti-out . Maybe we can get the belance between from e-business-market and spam confuse. Sincerely,