You can use Automake conditionals. These are configure-time conditionals rather than make-time conditionals.
You could add --with-check and --with-prof options to your configure script which enables these conditionals. If your package preserves the capability to build outside of the source tree, then your users can simply maintain seperate builds with the desired options enabled. Bob On Wed, 10 Dec 2003, Dalibor Topic wrote: > Hi all > > I have a problem converting an old code base to GNU Automake, in that > the developers are used to spicing up their GNU Makefiles with GNU Make > conditionals, that are evaluated when make is run, in order to have some > shortcut options for setting CFLAGS. > > They use make -DCHECK=1 to enable adding of special debuggin flags, for > example, and make -DPROF=1 to add another set of flags to enable a build > fro profiling. > > Is there a (better) way to do that using GNU Automake? I'be been > browsing the archives for a while but couldn't find anything. > > cheers, > dalibor topic > > > ====================================== Bob Friesenhahn [EMAIL PROTECTED]