
Thanks for your e-mail!

On Wed, 17 Sep 2003, Steve M. Robbins wrote:

>> But I only want "make" to ignore errors from running tests, not all
>> errors.  My test scripts are automatically generated by "make" and
>> then run.  If "make" fails to generate such a script, then I want
>> "make" to report the error and stop.
> If I understand this last point correctly, doesn't
>       make && make -k check
> do what you need?

My fault -- I wasn't careful, I am sorry!  I think you understood me
this way: the command "make" generates the test scripts, and "make -k
check" runs the test scripts.  In this case then let us execute "make"
to safely build the test scripts (without the "-k" option), and then
execute "make -k check" to run the test scripts.

I should have written: "My test scripts are automatically generated by
the Make software (not the "make" command) and then run".  Actually,
the scripts are both generated and run by "make check".


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