Togethor with a collaborator, we are putting togethor a gnu-like package for some scientific analysis. We have it running on Linux, HP, SGI with both gcc and native compilers but have run in to some problems on two Sun's; maybe someone can make suggestions.
1) One of the systems has both X11R5 and X11R6 and it looks like AC_PATH_XTRA may be getting confused about which one to use. Does it seach by decreasing or increasing release? (We have had to use --x- to override. One of the codes that we use, written by someone else, looks in Xlib.h to find the release so chaos can ensue.) Maybe tk or tcl has some macro's which do a more careful job (?) 2) We have some link tests to check for appropriate versions of a couple of libraries (i.e. compiled with gcc or cc) which look like they don't work on a sun. Does sun test for the existence/viability of shared libraries during the link phase or only during execution? Are there any macro's for LD_LIBRARY_PATH? (I had configure and make run through with no apparent problems when I did not have permissions to execute one of the stdc++ libraries!) 3) The location of includes and executables seems to be quite varied on the two sun's that I've looked at. Is there supposed to be a "standard" set of directories that perhaps should be added, or do we have to leave it to the user to ensure that things are right? For reference, we're using automake-1.7 and autoconf-2.57 and libtool-1.5. N.B. Maybe someday someone will write AC_CHECK_NUTS_SYSTEM to look for some of the common system software misconfigurations! ----------------------------------------------- Laurence Marks Department of Materials Science and Engineering MSE Rm 2036 Cook Hall 2225 N Campus Drive Northwestern University Evanston, IL 60201, USA Tel: (847) 491-3996 Fax: (847) 491-7820 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -----------------------------------------------