From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 13:57:26 -0700 This overhead will take work and commitment from people. How much improvement can this deliver?? 10%? 50%? 500%?
the way to look at it is that you WANT work and commitment from people, but you want the right kind of work and commitment. the improvement cannot be measured simply w/ a number, so if you are looking for that kind of change, this advice is not for you. Is this advice meant only for large (>10? >100?) development groups??? it's meant for any size group that wants to work smarter and that has the desire and discipline to try that method. of course, you have to tweak the method as you scale up. for a very large group, feel free hire a management consultant (who will give you pretty much the same advice but w/ glossy brochures ;-). The reason I am asking is that I usually work on projects with <10 developers. Things usually get done somehow regardless. well, the art of manglement is to finesse the "somehow" into "our how" where "our" is customized to the particular group's dynamics, tight in the right places, and slackful in the right places. that's a lot of weasel words, you are sure to notice. the activity i suggested falls into the general class of "reflective activity" which is, at its core, a force that works to oppose weasling. that's why all art is ironic, btw. (I got a bad deal when I went crazy about OOP and decided to do everything object oriented only to discover that small projects don't necessarily benefit from OOP. Sometimes OOP can even *slow down* a little project. I hope this ChangeLog business is not another "OOP") it all depends on the people who have to carry it out. good luck! thi