Bruce Korb wrote:
> "Dr. David Kirkby" wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >         I'm hoping some king sole can help me here, as I am stuck. The only
> > solution I can think of is rather messy.
> >
> > I have a which sets a variable 'mpirun_found' to yes or
> > no, depending on whether or not it can find a program called 'mpirun'.
> > This is done with the following in my
> >
> >
> > AC_CHECK_PROG(mpirun_found,mpirun,yes,no,$PATH)
> >
> > I have about 85 tests in the $top_srdir/tests, each exiting with
> > either a 0 (passed) or 1 (failed). Most tests make use of the
> > variables $top_builddir and $top_builddir, which I passed to the tests
> > with a tests/ like this
> >
> > # This tests/
> > TESTS_ENVIRONMENT = top_builddir=$(top_builddir)
> > top_srcdir=$(top_srcdir)
> > TESTS =  \
> > always.test \
> > sometimes.test
> > etc.
> >
> > I would like the first test 'always.test' to always be executed, but
> > the second 'sometimes.test' to only be executed if the variable
> > 'mpirun_found' is defined.
> It's defined at config time, not at run time.

Are you saying that the test itself should not make a decision as to
whether to exit with exit-code 77 (SKIP), or exit codes 0 and 1 ? i.e.
is the following fundamentally wrong for a test ?

# is this test not the way to do it ????
if [ 'some_condition is true' ] ; then
  MD5SUM=`$top_builddir/tools/src/mymd5sum $top_builddir/tmp/foo.bmp`
  if [ $MD5SUM = 847f4207b1b3cb708814ad9eff4736dc ]; then
    exit 0 # pass, right checksum
    exit 1 # fail, wrong checksum
  exit 77  # skip this test

> Add:  ``mpirun_found=$(mpirun_found)'' to the environment

In what file ? Does this include the two sets of quotes at each end -
I guess not?

> and see this page:
>    http://Autogen.SourceForge.Net/conftest.html

That page don't work for me. Perhaps it's Internet Explorer specific,
but it fails to do anything sensible with my Netscape 4.78
> using a ``test'' type of test to set up what you want.

I'm not quite sure what you mean here? 

Dr. David Kirkby,
Senior Research Fellow,
Department of Medical Physics,
University College London,
11-20 Capper St, London, WC1E 6JA.
Tel: 020 7679 6408 Fax: 020 7679 6269
Internal telephone: ext 46408

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