On Thu, 29 May 2003, Assar Westerlund wrote:

> Mattias Brändström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > I get this warning:
> > configure.ac:16: warning: AC_ARG_PROGRAM was called before
> >
> > I tried to add AC_CANONICAL_TARGET before the AM_PATH_SDL macro but I
> > got the same warning, this time refering to the line at where the
> > AC_CANONICAL_TARGET was located. Is this something I should be worried
> > about?
> This is probably not a problem.  If you want to debug it further, you
> should probably isolate it down to a smaller (hopefully without SDL)
> fragment so that we can see what the actual problem is.

OK. I have tried to isolate the problem a bit more. My configure.ac now
looks like this:





I still get the same warning. Any ideas?

:.:: mattias

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