Alexandre Duret-Lutz wrote:
> >>> "David" == David Kirkby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  David> Hi,
>  David> I have written a program 'atlc'
>  David>
>  David> which get distributed with a lot of .bmp example files. If I run
>  David> automake ; autoconf ; configure ; make distclean ; configure ; make
>  David> distcheck
>  David> The 'make distcheck' always fails, with the error message:
>  David> ERROR: distcleancheck can only run from a VPATH build
> There is no such message in your output.  If there were, `make'
> would have stopped immediately.

That message is there!! If you look at the output I posted, you will see that the 
message 'ERROR: distcleancheck can only run from a VPATH build' was produced, but 
'make' carried on. I had not added any options to force 'make' to continue after 

>  David> However, those files are in 'EXTRA_DIST' so I would have thought the
>  David> fact they are distributed, automake would not try to remove them with
>  David> 'make distcheck' - is that right ??
> This is right.  So what's wrong here is that your *distributed* files
> end up in your *build directory*.  You'll have to find out why.

I know the anser to that one, but I'm not sure how to avoid the problem. 

I wanted to install all the distributed files, in addition to some that I made from 
those distributed file. If I had a distributed file examples/foo.bmp, I want to 
install examples/foo.bmp, in addition to files examples/foo.E.bmp, examples/foo.V.bmp, 
examples/foo.U.bmp, where the latter files are made during the 'make check' process.

What I had done was to copy foo.bmp from the source directory to the build directory, 
then build foo.E.bmp, foo.V.bmp, foo.U.bmp in the build directory. I was then hoping 
that a 'make install' would install the lot (distributed + built) from the build 
directory. From what you are saying, it seems this was the wrong approach to take. 

Dr. David Kirkby,
Senior Research Fellow,
Department of Medical Physics,
University College London,
11-20 Capper St, London, WC1E 6JA.
Tel: 020 7679 6408 Fax: 020 7679 6269
Internal telephone: ext 46408

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