
Ok, I have Automake 1.7.2b, Autoconf 2.57, Texinfo 4.2 (also tried 4.5)
Make 3.79.1 and bash 2.05a.0(1)-release.  I removed everything
in my libtool directory but the top-level "CVS" directory, then
did an update to get current cvs.  ./bootstrap && ./configure \
--prefix=/net/testme && make && make install
make uninstall
ls -alR /net/testme/

and I get exactly the same result, the same files left over.
So to answer your question directly, these files are installed
by "make install", which is run as a dependency of distcheck.
Any ideas why this is happening?  I began to look into this
problem because another maintainer has not been able to run
"make distcheck" since he abandoned a much older Automake.
Let me know if I can provide more information.



Alexandre Duret-Lutz wrote:
> >>> "Robert" == Robert Boehne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  Robert> Hello,
>  Robert> I have a problem with the beta, after bootstrapping a
>  Robert> fresh checkout of Libtool with Autoconf 2.57 and Automake
>  Robert> 1.7.2b, I get a make distcheck error.  Apparently the
>  Robert> distcheck fails because files are left over in the
>  Robert> insallation directory after "make uninstall" is run.
> I was luckier: CVS Libtool distchecks succesfully here.
> I'm using Debian unstable, with Autoconf 2.57, Automake 1.7.2b,
> Libtool 1.4e, Texinfo 4.3a, Make 3.80, Bash 2.05b.0(1)-release.
> My install-info is that from Texinfo, not from Debian.
> (Maybe Debian's install-info creates the ${infodir}/dir file?)
>  Robert> Below are the offending files
>  Robert> ${infodir}/dir
>  Robert> ${prefix}/share/libtool:
>  Robert> install-sh  missing  mkinstalldirs
> Any idea when these files get installed?
> Are they installed by `make install'?  (i.e., outside distcheck')
> --
> Alexandre Duret-Lutz

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