
for a project of mine I need support for java .class files, and as I'd
like to do this the right way I've thought I might as well try to hack
automake's Java support.

What do you think about something like this:

----- Makefile.am -----
data_JARS = foo.jar

foo_jar_JAVA = Foo.java
data_JAVA = Bar.java

should create foo.jar (containing Foo.class) and Bar.class and put them
in $datadir. This is IMO compatible with current behaviour.
This should lead to

----- Makefile.in -----
%.jstamp: %.java
        $(RM) $@
        mkdir -p .java/$*.java
        cd .java/$* && $(GCJ) -C `evil VPATH script here`
        $(JV_SCAN) --list-class `evil VPATH script here` >$@

foo.jar: Foo.jstamp
        mkdir -p .java/$@
        cd .java && for i in `$^`; do \
                srcdir=`echo $i | sed -e 's/jstamp$/java'` \
                for j in `cat $i`; do \
                        package=`echo $j | sed -e 's@\.@/@g' -e 's@[^/]*$@@'`
                        srcfile=`echo $j | sed -e 's/.*\.//g'`.class \
                        mkdir -p $@/$package
                        cp $srcdir/$srcfile $@/$package \
                done \
        cd .java/$@ && $(JAR) -cf ../../$@ *

Alternatively, if we're using Sun javac instead of gcj, the first rule
should look like

%.jstamp: %.java
        $(RM) $@
        mkdir -p .java/$*.java
        $(JAVAC) -d .java/$*.java `evil VPATH script here`
        cd .java/$*.java && find . -type f -name \*.class | sed -e 's@/@.@g' -e 
's/^\.*//' >$@

This is just a idea how things could work. Of course, the "evil VPATH
script" needs to be included, a few GNUism removed from the Makefile.in
($* being the most prominent), install and clean rules written etc.

Questions, comments? Should I make things work like this and submit a


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