Using automake 1.7.2 with autoconf 2.57.
Here is my
lisp_LISP = xml-parse.el doxymacs.el
Here are some comments in elisp-comp:
# This script manages in such a way that all Emacs LISP files to
# be compiled are made visible between themselves, in the event
# they require or load-library one another.
Lo and behold I am in exactly that situation.  doxymacs.el requires
xml-parse.el.  Unfortunately the rule that automake generates:
         @echo 'WARNING: Warnings can be ignored. :-)'
         if test $(EMACS) != no; then \
           EMACS=$(EMACS) $(SHELL) $(elisp_comp) $<; \
         else : ; fi
byte compiles each file one at a time, whereas elisp-comp is expecting
ALL .el files to be passed in.  Thus I get
 While compiling toplevel forms in file
   !! File error (("Cannot open load file" "xml-parse"))
The following patch takes care of this:
Index: ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvsroot/automake/automake/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.2116
diff -u -r1.2116 ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog   31 Dec 2002 21:31:51 -0000      1.2116
+++ ChangeLog   6 Jan 2003 00:18:07 -0000
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2003-01-05  Ryan T. Sammartino  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * lib/elisp-comp: add .. to load-path.
 2002-12-31  Alexandre Duret-Lutz  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * lib/Automake/ New file.
Index: lib/elisp-comp
RCS file: /cvsroot/automake/automake/lib/elisp-comp,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 elisp-comp
--- lib/elisp-comp      17 Jul 2001 06:00:37 -0000      1.5
+++ lib/elisp-comp      6 Jan 2003 00:18:07 -0000
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
    cp $* $tempdir
    cd $tempdir
-   echo "(setq load-path (cons nil load-path))" > script
+   echo "(setq load-path (cons nil (cons \"..\" load-path)))" > script
    $EMACS -batch -q -l script -f batch-byte-compile *.el
    mv *.elc ..

Ryan T. Sammartino
Marriage is low down, but you spend the rest of your life paying for it.
                -- Baskins

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