We have a C program which links to a C++ library, and we need to tell automake to do the link in C++ mode to avoid undefined references to the C++ standard library. How can we do it ?
The Makefile.am looks as follows : ---snip--- dist_sources = oprofiled.c opd_stats.c opd_kernel.c opd_image.c opd_sample_files.c \ opd_image.h opd_printf.h opd_stats.h opd_kernel.h opd_sample_files.h p_module.h EXTRA_DIST = $(dist_sources) if kernel_support AM_CPPFLAGS=-I ${top_srcdir}/libabi -I ${top_srcdir}/libutil -I ${top_srcdir}/libop -I ${top_srcdir}/libdb bin_PROGRAMS = oprofiled oprofiled_SOURCES = $(dist_sources) if enable_abi oprofiled_LDADD = ../libabi/libabi.a ../libdb/libdb.a ../libop/libop.a ../libutil/libutil.a else oprofiled_LDADD = ../libdb/libdb.a ../libop/libop.a ../libutil/libutil.a endif endif ---snip--- libabi is the C++ library. It would be good to have a solution that works for automake 1.5 upwards ... (also, what is the "preferred" way to add a C/C++ flag from configure.in ?) thanks john