Earnie Boyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-11-07 11:39:37 -0500]:
> >Otherwise, I'm also subscribed on the list, so no need to CC me in every
> >post :-)

Then set M-F-T in your postings.

  Mail-Followup-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> It is a function of the mail client "Reply-All" event to add you in the 
> distribution of the response.  If you don't wish personal copies as well 
> as list copies then it is upto you to set the Reply-To header.

Actually M-F-T is the preferred method, although only a defacto
standard and not an official one.


If a user sets Reply-To to the list then the same problems as a list
setting Reply-To ensue.  The Reply-To should go directly to the user
and not to the list.  You would be surprised by the "interesting" list
replies which people thought was going to be private which have been
seen on lists because of this.



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