we use automake in a project (java & c++) and now want to
build our documentation using automake.
project path looks like this

makefile.am's in the src dir is no problem,
but for the documentation it looks like this (e.g):

SGMLFILES=architecture.sgml glossary.sgml
include $(top_srcdir)/doc/docbook.am

so in every directory containing documentation
i have to link to this file. imagine this filename changes...

another point is that i had to change the clear.am to this
CLEAN	-test -z "$(CLEANFILES)" || rm -f $(CLEANFILES)
    $(RM) -f $(SGMLFILES:.sgml=.pdf) $(SGMLFILES:.sgml=.ps)

this doesn't look fine...
the thing i wanted was to simply add
	SGMLFILES=architecture.sgml glossary.sgml
to any makefile.am and then the proper documentation
is created.

thx Siegfried

siegfried keusch             | email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
maxxio technologies GmbH     | www   : http://www.maxxio.com/
prinz eugen strasse 8        | voice : +43 1 205 255 404
a-1040 vienna/austria/europe | fax   : +43 1 205 255 900

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