>>> "Harlan" == Harlan Stenn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Harlan> This appears to be aproblem with libtool+automake; if I
 Harlan> use a static library (no libtool) I don't see this
 Harlan> problem.

Unless I'm mistaken, you already submitted this one as PR automake/350.

 Harlan> Is there a workaround/bugfix?  

Here is a workaround.  Define FOO_AB as "FOO_A or FOO_B"":

  AM_CONDITIONAL(FOO_AB, test x"$FOO" = xa || test x"$FOO" = xb)

then use FOO_AB to define lib_LTLIBRARIES in a single place.
Alexandre Duret-Lutz

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