>>> "Roger" == Roger Leigh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


 Roger> However, this makes one very big assumption: every
 Roger> installation directory will use $prefix as the path
 Roger> prefix.

Yes.  This way we make sure people can install the package with 
--prefix=/usr, --prefix=/opt, --prefix ~/usr, or whatever.

 Roger> This is usually the case, but not always.  For example,
 Roger> in the gimp-print project, we build a CUPS driver.  For
 Roger> this, the install path is obtained from "cups-config",

How about you honor the user's flags, and just issue a warning
if it's different from the output of cups-config?

Another idea is the have a --without-cups-config option that you


 Roger> && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) DESTDIR=$$dc_install_base install \
 Roger> && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) DESTDIR=$$dc_install_base installcheck \
 Roger> && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) DESTDIR=$$dc_install_base uninstall \

Unfortunately `make installcheck' isn't expected to run in a
DESTDIR installation as it might run programs which read files
using the real $prefix.


Alexandre Duret-Lutz

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