Hello, I recently started using autoconf and automake. So i updated to the current version. Its autconf 2.53 and automake 1.6.2.
Everything works fine (after you get used to autoconf and automake ;)) But i encounter one strange problem. In the configure.in file, I AC_SUBST the var. PLUGINDIR. It contains just "$libdir/programname". Now i got some plugins, where i wish that automake installs them into PLUGINDIR. In the first plugin, lets call it stdout, I wrote this line into the Makefile.am: libdir = $(PLUGINDIR) Everything works fine. No problems at all. The lib goes into $prefix/lib/programname. Then, the second plugin. I copied the Makefile.am. Just changed the source files. This time, the library goes into $prefix/lib. I inspected the Makefile.in and the Makefile itself. It does this: Makefile.in: @ENABLE_MYSQL_TRUE@libdir = $(LIBDIR)/programname libdir = @libdir@ Makefile: libdir = $(PLUGINDIR) libdir = ${exec_prefix}/lib I honestly don't know what the problem is. The 2 Makefile.am's look exactly the same. There are just 2 differences. In the working one, i got if ENABLE_STDOUT and the source files are stdout.c and stdout.h In the second one, which doesnt work, i got if ENABLE_MYSQL and the source files are mysql.c and mysql.h. I get ENABLE_MYSQL and ENABLE_STDOUT via configure.in. AC_ARG_ENABLE([mysql],[ --disable-mysql disable mysql plugin],[enable_mysql=no],[enable_mysql=yes]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([stdout],[ --disable-stdout disable stdout plugin],[enable_stdout=no],[enable_stdout=yes]) AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_MYSQL, test x"$enable_mysql" = "xyes") AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_STDOUT, test x"$enable_stdout" = "xyes") how can this happen? is this a bug? can somebody help me? ;) Best Regards, -- Patrik Weiskircher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>