Effort to reduce this kind of a security "hole" are quite fruitless, so long as I
or anyone can build a ./configure that will simply "rm -fr /*"; nevertheless, I do
support David's comment:

> 2. A non-root mindset should be encouraged.  Indeed, I'd support a case
>   for a default of "if root then abandon build", but with an override
>   capability for those (probably few) packages where root may be desirable
>   or even essential.

Reinforcing this kind of a change in behavior may or may not be within our rights
or objectives.  It's a personal objective of mine, which I admit may be a soapbox
upon which I stand alone.


David Lee wrote:

> On Sat, 8 Jun 2002, Bernd Jendrissek wrote:
> > On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 04:50:23PM -0400, Lawrence Teo wrote:
> > > My point is, if config.guess can be hardened against such potential symlink
> > > attacks, why shouldn't it be? Of course, it would be great to educate all
> > > admins not to build stuff as root. But it would also be a responsible thing
> > > to fix config.guess if we know that there's a potential issue in there.
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > > Likewise, having a "hardened" config.guess file would not necessarily
> > > prevent symlink attacks, but it'll definitely make it much harder for an
> > > attacker to exploit it, even if the admin is sloppy.
> >
> > An attacker is hardly likely to distribute a "hardened" config.guess
> >
> > Build untrusted packages as root.  Hose your system.  Repeat until lesson
> > is learned: do not built untrusted packages as root.
> There seems to be a flaw there:  assuming that the attacker is the
> distributor/provider of the package containing "config.guess".
> But the attacker may well be a third party, exploiting a weakness in the
> victim/builder's system as a weak, but innocent, package is installed.
> If there is a weakness in "config.guess" (or anywhere else) that can be
> reasonably fixed, shouldn't it be fixed?
> All those of us with experience would agree that, ideally, package
> building ought to be non-root. But I can think of at least one bona fide,
> trustworthy package, Samba, that, on some platforms, can benefit from
> being built as root as autoconf tries to discover something at root level
> (from foggy memory, I seem to recall it was a runtime locking mechanism).
> Summary:
> 1. Attacker and package-provider may well be different parties;
> 1. If there is a weakness, root or otherwise, reasonable attempts should
> be made to fix it, regardless of other considerations;
> 2. A non-root mindset should be encouraged.  Indeed, I'd support a case
> for a default of "if root then abandon build", but with an override
> capability for those (probably few) packages where root may be desirable
> or even essential.
> --
> :  David Lee                                I.T. Service          :
> :  Systems Programmer                       Computer Centre       :
> :                                           University of Durham  :
> :  http://www.dur.ac.uk/t.d.lee/            South Road            :
> :                                           Durham                :
> :  Phone: +44 191 374 2882                  U.K.                  :

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