I'm trying to conditionally compile some Java sources (with javac) using
an Automake conditional:

    JAVAROOT = $(top_builddir)/java
    JAVA_FILES = MyClass1.java MyClass2.java
    if WITH_JDK
    noinst_JAVA = $(JAVA_FILES)

I am having trouble when the condition is false. If JAVAROOT is defined
outside the conditional (as above), I get this error:

    CLASSPATH=../../../java:../../../../java/vrml/field/../../../java:$CLASSPATH  -d 
../../../java \
    /bin/sh: -d: command not found
If the JAVAROOT definition is moved inside the conditional, I get this

    java/vrml/Makefile.am:10: JAVAROOT was already defined in condition WITH_JDK_TRUE, 
which is implied by condition TRUE
      JAVAROOT (User, where = java/vrml/Makefile.am:10) =
        WITH_JDK_TRUE => $(top_builddir)/java

What to do?

Braden McDaniel                           e-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
<http://endoframe.com>                    Jabber: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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