  I just subscribed to this list. I hope anyone could help me.

  My problem is grouping one (or more) library in another library.
  Is it possible? How could I make it in the .am files?

  If it's not possible i'm in trouble :(
  Beacuse i have an ordered dir struture like this

  | |- dir1
  | | |- dir 1.1
  | |- dir 2

  i've made a Makefile.am file in every dir.. to build a library from
  the sources in that dir.
  I must provide the sources in topsrc with one library including all
  the others...
  If you have any hints or tips to make this with a simple (ordered)
  method... i'll welcome it.

  PS: I very like automake!!
  PPS: A little hint to aclocal. Print an error message when in
  configure.ac don't exist the AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE macro... :) Now it
  simply don't create de aclocal.m4 file...


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