Alexandre Duret-Lutz wrote:

>  David> the compiler will reject it, since it does not know the extension.
> Have you tried?  What do you see?

> Alexandre Duret-Lutz

The example I posted with the missing = was due to the fact I'd made an error in
the post. I've copied below the *exact* that I have. Two things
strick me as odd, and so concern me. 

1) Without the 'EXTRA_DIST = atlc.xpm CircInRect.xpm etc', the programs seem to
compile proplery, taking into account any changes in the .xpm files, but the
.xpm files will not be included if I do a 'make dist'. It seems odd that they
their presence is noted, but they don't get distributed. 

2) Alexandre suggested the use of 'atlc.cpp: coax.xpm' (okay I quoted a simpler
example before), but I'm not sure what that meant, and so did not do it. 

In the example below:

atlcFrm.cpp depends on atlc.xpm
RoundCoaxFrm.cpp depends on RoundCoax.xpm
and so on. 

That below does seem to work, but is it the best way of doing it ??? All the
.xpm files are listed twice, which seems liable to errors. 

bin_PROGRAMS = atlc

atlc_SOURCES = atlcApp.cpp atlcFrm.cpp RoundCoaxFrm.cpp CoaxFrm.cpp \
CoaxFrm.h RoundCoaxFrm.h atlcApp.h atlcFrm.h resource.h \
FiniteDifferenceFrame.cpp FiniteDifferenceFrame.h \
EccentricCoaxFrame.cpp EccentricCoaxFrame.h \


noinst_DATA = atlc.xpm CircInRect.xpm EccentricCoax.xpm \
FiniteDifference.xpm RectInCirc.xpm RectInRect.xpm \
RoundCoax.xpm StriplineCoupler.xpm SymmetricalStripline.xpm 

EXTRA_DIST = atlc.xpm CircInRect.xpm EccentricCoax.xpm \
FiniteDifference.xpm RectInCirc.xpm RectInRect.xpm \
RoundCoax.xpm StriplineCoupler.xpm SymmetricalStripline.xpm \
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Dr. David Kirkby PhD,
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Amateur radio callsign: G8WRB

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