Hi, Can anyone tell me how to suppress these warning from automake. I just upgraded to automake 1.5, and now these warnings are being displayed when running automake.
---------------------- WARNINGS I GET ---------------------------------------------------------------- automake: isan/platform/common/diag/engine/Makefile.am: warning: automake does not support diag_LDADD being defined conditionally automake: isan/platform/common/diag/engine/Makefile.am: warning: automake does not support diag_LDADD being defined conditionally automake: isan/platform/common/diag/engine/Makefile.am: warning: automake does not support diag_LDADD being defined conditionally ---------------- SNIP of Makefile.am which is causing the warnings ----------------- diag_LDADD = @LDFLAGS@ -L../common_objects -ldiagcommonobj -ldiageng -ltcl8.3 # # Depending on the platform we will include either the linecard or supervisor objects. # if HWPLATFORM_LC1 diag_LDADD += -L../lcp_objects -ldiaglcpobj endif if HWPLATFORM_SUP1 diag_LDADD += -L../smp_objects -ldiagsmpobj endif What would be the correct way to doing something like the above without getting automake to complain. Thanks in advance, fausto..