>>> "Eric" == Eric Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Eric> OK, I really want this bug gone.  So I did some more research, this time
 Eric> with a fresh copy of automake from the head of CVS (no patches
 Eric> applied).  I'm using a cygwin text mount, so every file has \r\n on
 Eric> every line after the CVS update.  If I understand XFile.pm correctly,
 Eric> this means that automake should read files with \r\n -> \n, but write in
 Eric> binmode.  And that means that if the output file has \r\n, perl was
 Eric> writing a string with \r\n.



 Eric> I'm not familiar enough with automake to know which lines came from
 Eric> which files, but it does look like perl was keeping the \r from some
 Eric> sources and not others.

You perl installation is clearly not converting new lines.  "\r"
are present *everywhere*, and they all come from the input.
(The "\r\r\n" occurence is also ok, those two \r come from
different lines.)

 Eric> How would this idea work for a hack? In Automake::XFile, overload the
 Eric> getline method (as well as the <HANDLE> operator) to strip \r before
 Eric> passing any line of text to the rest of automake.

I don't know if there a way to overwrite <HANDLE>.  However Automake is
using getline everywhere.  Is the following what you had in mind:

Index: lib/Automake/XFile.pm
RCS file: /cvs/automake/automake/lib/Automake/XFile.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 XFile.pm
--- lib/Automake/XFile.pm 2001/10/02 17:17:45 1.1
+++ lib/Automake/XFile.pm 2002/02/12 21:21:25
@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@
 C<Automake::XFile> inherits from C<IO::File>.  It provides dying
-version of the methods C<open>, C<new>, and C<close>.
+version of the methods C<open>, C<new>, and C<close>.  It also
+overrides the C<getline> method to translate C<\r\n> to C<\n>.
 =head1 SEE ALSO
@@ -151,6 +152,21 @@
       my $file = ${*$fh}{'autom4te_xfile_file'};
       croak "$me: cannot close $file: $!\n";
+## Getline
+# Some Win32/perl installations fail to translate \r\n to \n on input
+# so we do that here.
+sub getline
+    local $_ = $_[0]->SUPER::getline;
+    # Perform a _global_ replacement: $_ may can contains many lines
+    # in slurp mode ($/ = undef).
+    s/\015\012/\n/gs if defined $_;
+    return $_;

Alexandre Duret-Lutz

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