On Thu, 2002-01-31 at 16:21, Ralf Corsepius wrote: > Given an autoconf-2.52 and automake-1.5 compatible configure.in: > .. > AC_INIT > .. > AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(libXrc, 0.1) > .. > > make dist produces libXrc-0.1.tar.gz, PACKAGE is set to libXrc. > > With autoconf-cvs and automake-cvs, now using the new syntax: > .. > AC_INIT([libXrc],[0.1]) > .. > AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE
You didn't translate correctly. The CVS version of the above is: AC_INIT([libXrc], [0.1], [libXrc]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE By omitting the thrid arg to AC_INIT, you basically said 'I want the tarball to have a canonicalized name', resulting in a lowercased name. > > *If* you don't define the TARNAME, *then* it defaults to > > lower-case-and-dash of the PACKAGE_ *NAME*! > This is what I called unnecessarily inventing new standards, not > justified by any technical reason. Well, what about AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE('GNU FooBar', [1.0]) Now make dist is most likely going to break (I doubt it supports spaces in package names). autoconf will now provide a default of 'gnu_foobar' as tarball name. Now it is possible it would be better if autoconf switched the 1st and 3rd arg of AC_INIT around (i.e. making the 'fancy package name' optional and defaulting to the tarball name). But things aren't broken as they are now (provided you call the macro's correctly). > > You want an additional parameter to AC_INIT, > > that's your point? > Nope, just leave the decision about lower-casing PACKAGE and > PACKAGE_TARNAME to the user. Ie. do not implicitly lower-case anything. It didn't lowercase anything, it _provided a default for a value you omitted_. > To give an example: What I want to see, is this: > > AC_INIT([libXrc],[0.1]) > AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE OK, as I noted above, such a thing would work if autoconf switched the 1st and third arg of AC_INIT around. I frankly don';t care either way; I feel that applications should really use the 3-argument form anyway.