Hi, I would like my Makefile.am to build a library (say libiasp) with libtool, and then build a binary using functions from that library, before the library has been installed into its definitive directory.
However, i don't know if a correct way to proceed is to link my binary with the libiasp.a or libiasp.so in src/.libs/ I guess that if they are in .libs, it should be for libtool internal use only. For the moment i am linking my binary with all object files composing the library, which is a bit cumbersome. So in other words, in the Makfile.am lib_LTLIBRARIES = libiasp.la libiasp_la_SOURCES = <C files> noinst_PROGRAMS = remodl remodl_SOURCES = 4sm.c remodl.f remodl_LDADD = $(PROGRAMS_OBJ) Can i replace the last line with remodl_LDADD = -L./libs -liasp without risks ? Thanks. -- Stéphane Genaud ICPS-LSIIT, Université Louis Pasteur Pôle API, Bd. S. Brant, F-67400 Illkirch tel : (33)(0)390244542, 0619058113 (SFR)