Hi there,
I just started using autoconf/automake some days ago. I'm trying to build library with a directory hierarchy that seems to be a little strange. There is a top level directory containing a "src" dir. and a "doc" dir. The top level Makefile.am just has a SUBDIRS line. The "src" directory contains one directory for each C source file; something like; src/foo/foo.c src/foo/foo.h src/bar/bar.c src/bar/bar.h src/bar/foo-bar.c The src/Makefile.am file defines a VPATH variable equal to "foo bar", but when I try to make dist the src sub-dirs are no included I get a copy error: cp ./foo.c doesn't exists. Just another question. Is there a way to create an obj directory to build .o files? Thanks and ... best regards. Inaki